On 9 February 2010 00:01, Andre Grueneberg <andre-...@grueneberg.de> wrote:
>> > I have now done so for admin_level=8 in Hiiu, Saare and Pärnu maakond.
>> > [I'll revert that if agreed here]
> How about (some special examples):
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=59.027&lon=22.7512&zoom=13&layers=B000FTF
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=58.202&lon=22.3945&zoom=12&layers=B000FTF
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=58.35&lon=24.5058&zoom=12&layers=B000FTF

It does not look right to my eye.

Is it possible to have Maa-amet municipality borders visible together
with their orthophotography through WMS?

At some point I saw some configuration options in Merkaartor but I
could not get it working. So I'm still using JOSM...

Joosep-Georg Järvemaa

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