Explica también si has tenido en cuenta los dos territorios insulares o
estás hablando sólo de la península.


2018-05-11 8:07 GMT+01:00 Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso <sanc...@gmail.com>:

> Buenas
> A ver sobre el mapa que adjuntas me choca bastante. Una cosa es bajar
> clasificación a las carreteras que van al lado de autovías y otra cosa es
> pasarlas a tertiary. Que tenemos en españa tertiary sin linea en medio y
> sin arcenes y vamos a igualar carreteras nacionales que en muchos casos
> tienen un arcen considerable y siguen en buen estado.
> A parte me choca en Soria que la variante la pongas como tertiary. No la
> conozco esa parte pero vamos una variante de una ciudad, que parece que no
> tiene cruces a nivel me choca muchísimo como tertiary.
> ¿Puedes explicar claramente los criterios seguidos para dibujar el mapa?
> Un saludo.
> El vie., 11 may. 2018 a las 0:35, yo paseopor (<yopaseo...@gmail.com>)
> escribió:
>>  Buenas gente
>>  Al hilo de lo que dije en un anterior correo me gustaría informaros que
>> estos días en la lista de correo de tagging se está debatiendo sobre las
>> unclassified (un usuario planteaba que sus unclassified...tenían
>> referencia, lo que va en contra de la misma definición de "no
>> clasificada".  Pues bien, al explicar la situación española en la que las
>> categorías de OSM no encajan exactamente en la clasificación administrativa
>> en algunos casos se han dado respuestas interesantes que para los que no
>> seais de la lista de tagging os hago llegar:
>>  Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com via openstreetmap.org
>>  in Germany and Italy (and probably some more places) the difference is
>> between a road section without grade level intersections (and with ramps)
>> vs not. Trunk is used in these areas for roads that are built to a standard
>> similar to a motorway but not legally designated as motorway. It is not
>> about access restrictions (there is the orthogonal motorroad=yes property
>> for this).
>>  Kevin Kenny kevin.b.kenny+...@gmail.com via openstreetmap.org
>> One issue is that we have the "UK English is the language of tagging"
>> rule - which widely gets interpreted as "highway classification must be
>> force-fit into the UK system." The US system presents a complex problem for
>> this, since most highway classification is delegated to the states, and
>> they all have their own local schemes.
>> In many counties in the US, rural roads are unnamed and have only
>> reference numbers. A farm road may be "County Road 2200N" (which is a
>> different classification from, say, "County Highway 23", and typically
>> shown only on small blade signs, not banner signs) or "State Farm and
>> Market Road #2134". As I understand it, it would fit pretty closely with
>> what "unclassified" roads - which are a formal classification in the UK! -
>> are understood to be.
>> Near where I live, numbered 'US', 'State' and many 'County' roads do NOT
>> reflect the governing body - they are all managed by the state department
>> of transportation. Historically, they had other structures, but
>> responsibilities were reallocated. The 'US' highway numbers are coordinated
>> with neighbouring states, but the administration is by the state.  There
>> are also numbered but (nearly) unsigned 'reference routes' also maintained
>> by the state to 'State' highway standards. I say 'nearly' unsigned because
>> they do often have inconspicuous chaining markers with their numbers.
>> Rather than labeling the governing body, the 'US', 'State' and 'County'
>> designations around here reflect the grade of importance, expected level of
>> traffic and expected quality of maintenance.  Given that the designation
>> reflects relative importance rather than administrative jurisdiction,
>> despite the labeling, I'm comfortable with having US, State, and County
>> numbered roads be 'primary', 'secondary' and 'tertiary' - but in the places
>> where the counties number virtually every road, there is a need for a tier
>> below 'tertiary' - and 'unclassified' seems to be it; it's a working
>> category that might otherwise be 'quaternary.'
>> Salut i mapes
>> yopaseopor
>> PD: Me he mirado un poco el mapa de la "piel de toro" y he "pintado" como
>> quedaría el mapa de la Red de Carreteras del Estado si se aplicara la
>> propuesta que propuse. Y ya que estamos os sugiero que hagais lo propio, en
>> breve podríamos tener un inventario o un mapa del trazado y categoría
>> "real" que podrían tener las carreteras nacionales en nuestro país. Aquí os
>> lo adjunto.
>> https://i.imgur.com/SicS3Gu.jpg
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> --
> Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso - Sanchi
> Blog http://jorgesanz.es/
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