Le 24/09/2012 20:26, Pieren a écrit :
2012/9/24 Augustin Roche <augustin.ro...@gmail.com>:
- je stoppe mes imports jusqu'à ce que la question des comptes dédiés
soit éclaircie avec le DWG ?
- Je l'envoie poliment se faire voir ?
- Je me crée un compte spécifique ? (ça je n'ai pas vraiment envie de faire)
Je pense que comme ils ont un message pré-formatté pour cette demande,
on devrait leur envoyer une réponse pré-formattée du genre:
I thank the DWG for the great work you are doing to solve conflicts,
vandalism and copyright infringements worldwide. But I'm strictly
following the import guidelines defined by the French community and
documented here on the wiki ([1]).
I've contacted the local community to verify that the rules didn't
change recently. Since building strong local communities is always a
high priority for the OSMF, I chose the rules defined and approved
locally by the whole French community where a separate account is not
required to watch, identify and fix French cadastre import issues,
something that the local community is able to manage itself. As
Frederik Ramm said ([2]), the rule has been defined only if the DWG
has to "clean-up the mess" which is not the case here.
That's why I declining your offer to create a seperate account and
welcome you to discuss it again on the talk-fr@openstreetmap.org or
t...@openstreetmap.org list.
Best regards,
ton blaze

[2] http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2012-September/064412.html

Pyromane !!!

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