Hi Jack,

On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 11:32:16 +0100, Jack Stringer wrote:
> It would be nice to get enough data together that we could start to do
> a similar thing to Google with having a popup when you mouse over the
> fast_food icon showing you the extra details. 

I think it would be good, so two thoughts...

Thomas Wood and I are planning to set our Sutton Green Map up to do
something similar, basically taking a weekly dump of selected POIs and
putting them through FeatureServer to help OpenLayers present the popups.
We already have this working but with the data manually stored and entered
into a separate database:


So I'm going to be putting data that is either public domain, or which I
have permission to copy, into OSM tags for all of those and more soon.

The other thought is maintenance. I know this is an old chestnut, but I
worry a bit about encouraging huge detail on POIs that are likely to change
often, e.g. takeaways in my part of the world aren't worth the bother of
tracking and are all over the place anyway so you'd never need a map to
find one! But I would like to enter more detail for museums, leisure
centres, libraries and all the other POIs that are easy to maintain.

I would have thought that Google is grabbing that data from its search
engine scraping and user submissions anyway, rather than trying to maintain
a database of all businesses?


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