> There is also an issue of keeping the data up to date - having loads of data
> in OSM is great, but we run the risk of it going stale if we're not careful.

In that case you might as well let Google win the war when it comes to
maps with data on them. Like I said before with such a large userbase
we should be able to update and fix errors much quicker than Google
and other routing programs.

>> addr:street=Bath Road
>> addr:city=Bristol
>> addr:postcode=BS4 3BD
>> addr:country=GB
> It seems to me that this data should be derivable from the map itself.
> Rather than duplicating data by adding addresses and postcodes to each
> business/building, I think it would be better to figure out a good way of
> deciding which street, city and postcode the building is attached to.

By putting the Postcode in we are supply OSM with the postcode to be
able to give that street a post code, same goes for streets. If the
data stored is done properly it would make it so much better for when
people want to query it. For example I want to find a pub called 'The
King's Head' I can seach for them by country, by City. I noticed
someone say the other day that OSM is about the data not the map. The
map is a by product of the data. The data that we put in could also be
used to make a Pub guide, or restaurant guide if people are going to
have to put in information about a location it maybe worth putting in
as much as we can find out.

Jack Stringer

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