Interesting point from Paul (southglos) about slip roads. I've just worked
the numbers slightly differently and he seems to be right.


Adding up the total length of motorways in England according to DfT it comes
to 6,021km.

My total from OSM for England = 6,962km


On face value we have found 900km of motorways that the DfT have lost. 

However if I break down the tags that make up my 6,962 km, it comes to 5,912
km tagged "motorway" and 1049 km tagged "motorway_link".


5,912 km of "motorway" on OSM compared to 6,021km known to the DfT looks
astonishingly close to me.

What do you think - should I be ignoring "motoway_link" in the totals,
counting it as something else (and if so what?), do we just put this down to
the way DfT count the numbers, or is it just coincidence that the "motorway"
numbers are so close?



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