
On 29 May 2010 20:31, TimSC <mapp...@sheerman-chase.org.uk> wrote:
> Roy has been importing data in his area, it will probably take weeks to
> polish that data! Good luck with that! In my experience, about 10% of
> polygons are incorrect but flagged by the mapseg program for correction.
> The remaining 90% are pretty good but not as good as doing it manually,
> of course.

I tried it (v 0.2) last night with york (se65sw) and am getting similar figures:
Buildings: 9331
mapseg:extra_node: 1135 (12%)
mapseg:fragment: 100 (1%)
mapseg:inner-polygon: 69 (0%)
mapseg:tile-edge: 109 (1%)

It seems to have most trouble where there are bordering lines, such as
public buildings (york district hospital it really struggled with), or
long terraces next to roads which it seems to want to rotate quite a
bit. It did also trace around the letters of text overlapping
buildings without flagging up ("Foss Islands" just east of York), but
I bet that's pretty difficult to detect and is probably a complement
to the shape detection that it did so accurately.

Otherwise though I'm impressed, well done.

Since it takes so long to process (took me 1h50m on laptop with an
intel at 1.8GHz), is there a single place somewhere we can upload the
resulting osm files of interesting areas (this one's 6.5MB)?

On a side note, has anybody noticed a consistent tendency for existing
independently surveyed roads to be offset northwards (by around 5-10
metres) from the OS data (vectormap and streetview)? I've seen various
cases of existing roads being edited to be consistent with OS data,
but I'm not convinced this is a good idea since the problem seems to
be consistent in one direction.


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