I'm in Devon and I see the same thing although whether it is just the SW I
don't know.

The Streetview tiles (as I see them in JOSM) are all offset to the SE by
5-10 metres. I've converted some woods in my area from the VectorDistrict
data using this process,


and the converted data looks good to me compared to my previous surveys but
comes out different to the tiles, so I'm thinking that the tiles are wrong.


On 30 May 2010 09:08, Tim François <sk1pp...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> > On a side note, has anybody noticed a consistent tendency
> > for existing
> > independently surveyed roads to be offset northwards (by
> > around 5-10
> > metres) from the OS data (vectormap and streetview)? I've
> > seen various
> > cases of existing roads being edited to be consistent with
> > OS data,
> > but I'm not convinced this is a good idea since the problem
> > seems to
> > be consistent in one direction.
> Glad I'm not the only one. Here in the SW I see the same offsets, although
> I find the VectorDistrict data to be more like the GPS surveyed data. This
> means that the StreetView tiles do not match up with the VectorDistrict
> either: I've been importing some rivers and reservoirs from the
> VectorDistrict data (namely the River Chew and Chew Valley Lake) and I've
> found that the polygons seem to be shifted compared to the equivalent
> positions in StreetView by about 10 metres.
> I guess this is an expected artifact of the reprojection methods?
> Tim
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