On Wednesday 02 June 2010, Jerry Clough - OSM wrote:
> I for one would miss a publicly-deployed version. The matching of strings 
> really makes a difference between your data and the ITO one: 
> 1. in well-mapped areas one finds a few places which either have not been 
> surveyed or require a re-survey, whereas the ITO comparison layer largely 
> shows finger trouble. So far I've found them completely complementary: yours 
> for the big picture, ITO locator comparison for the nitty-gritty of getting 
> fluff out of the data.
> 2. in areas with large numbers of nonames the ITO layer just has too much 
> data (and I have been trying to bang in names N of Liverpool).
> 3. Data from Musical Chairs gives a better handle on completeness, but when 
> compared with the ITO figures we can assess quality/validation as well.

Well either way, I'll be dumping the code for whatever I do up on bitbucket for 
anyone to use.


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