On Tuesday 15 June 2010, Ed Avis wrote:
> Perhaps a Levenshtein distance between OS and OSM street names could be 
> computed:
> find all the OSM names in the bounding box, pick the one with the closest
> Levenshtein distance, and then colour the rectangle accordingly, with less
> saturated colours being used for closer matches...

If you don't mind running the code locally yourself*, my system does this sort 
of thing and more ( new screenshot: 
http://humanleg.org.uk/code/oslmusicalchairs/oslmcscreen_20100615.png , 
Description of algorithm: http://humanleg.org.uk/code/oslmusicalchairs/ ). Code 
available at http://bitbucket.org/ris/oslmusicalchairs/ . 


* I am still working on getting a public instance hosted. dev.openstreetmap.org 
doesn't do python/WSGI as of yet.

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