Dave F wrote:

> I think these are the same as ones displayed in Potlatch2. They're
> irritating because of their inaccuracy & refusal to stay
> off.

I got irritated too, so I closed all the ones with insufficient
details to fix anything ("usually with a no roundabout at this
location", or "more details required to identify actual problem"
type comment), and then checked and closed the rest after fixing
them or deciding they were wrong. Once you get on top of them in an
area, it is quite easy to stay on top. I did have to go and resurvey
a couple of places to see whether the report was true or not (I
wasn't entirely sure for example that they hadn't added a
mini-roundabout in the middle of Dedham, but they hadn't), but
usually I can tell from Bing (for the ones that are reporting
something useful, such as missing turn restriction, or indeed a
missing roundabout recently).


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