On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Craig Loftus <
craigloftus+...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> > Looks like there's only partial coverage in Oxford as well...
> >
> >
> http://www.spokeseastkent.org.uk/maps/cycle-parking-heat-map/?zoom=13&lat=51.75754&lon=-1.2523&layers=BT
> Really? I would have said it was pretty comprehensively mapped in
> Oxford. The heat-map shows nicely where all the shopping areas are. If
> you have a particular area in mind then assuming I can get there on my
> bike I wouldn't mind surveying it.
> There's lots of small groups of stands dotted all over the place that are
missing (at community facilities, some shops etc). I guess when you get to a
certain level of coverage, it stops mattering, but they'd give a more
comprehensive picture.
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