> I’m primarily a cyclist and interested in ensuring that our cycle  
> coverage is great. Whilst looking at the Bing! aerial imagery in  
> Portsmouth recently I spotted some cycleways and cycle lanes which we  
> don’t have in our map. They looked like they were in fairly established  
> areas of the city so I wonder whether there’s any other cycling  
> facilities that we’re missing? Portsmouth is a little far for me to go  
> on a GPS mapping expedition, so I was wondering if there are any more  
> local cycle mappers that may be interested in scouting out facilities.  
> It seems that we’ve probably missed quite a bit of cycle parking in  
> Gosport too, given its density in Portsmouth, but seeming absence in  
> Gosport: 

Sorry I'm a little late to thread, but given I live in Portsmouth - well
 Southsea :) and I cycle a lot - I've been slowly updating OSM on an ad 
hoc basis it over time.

(Actually I'm more interested in footpaths and bridleways...). Anyway if
 you can point me to somewhere precise, I can double check things on
 the ground.

Remember Bing images are a couple years old and some of the infrastructure *has 
definitely* changed around here.

NB1 - I don't go to Gosport very often - it's not on my commute and the ferry 
costs money :(

NB2 - Portsmouth CC have relatively recently been putting in single/double 
cycle parking ground loops around local shops
NB3 - You've got me to thank for most of the 20mph (and other) speed limits on 
the Portsmouth map.

NB4 - This reminds me to add cycle parking for Waitrose, Palmerston Road & 
Albert Road that I can remember off the top of my head.
[There must be more near the seafront - but I need to check locations+numbers]

PS1 Nice work on the cycle parking heat map - it's good to spot things missing 
(i.e. for NB4 above) 
PS2 how often does this get updated?
PS3 It would be even better if one could select the open cycle map as the base 

Be Seeing You - Rob.
If at first you don't succeed,
then skydiving isn't for you.

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