Nick Whitelegg <> writes:

>>> and allows multi-layer rendering such as
>>> that done on Freemap.
>>Not sure what you mean by this. Could you clarify? If it's just
>>designations that make this happen, I think both systems work.
> See and note how the designations are indicated
> by a coloured transparent layer while the underlying physical ways
> are indicated by the standard "OS" styles for roads,tracks and
> paths.
> Having just path, track, or the various types of road mean that the
> rules for writing the stylesheet are simpler.  However it's no big
> deal.

Just to add another data point, I have a customised Mapnik stylesheet
that I use on my websites that replicates the OS style of having the
right of way overlay the physical nature.

For tags of {foot,horse,bicycle}={designated,permissive} on anything
other than highway={path,footwa,bridleway,cycleway} an overlay is
drawn using either a footpath, bridleway or cycleway style.



If we could modify the default stylesheet then we wouldn't have to
worry about tagging for the renderer on these highway types.  An OS
map can be used by walkers, horse riders and cyclist to plan routes
but the default OSM stylesheet produces maps that cannot be used for

For the question about whether highway=footway, highway=bridleway and
highway=path are redundant my vote would be that they are overlapping
rather than duplicates.  A highway=bridleway should be assumed to have
no obstructions in it that would stop horse or bicycle traffic while
a highway=footway may do.

Andrew M. Bishop                   

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