> I could equally claim that information on the surface of paths is  
> absolutely essential for cyclists with road bikes, and that toilet  
> opening hours are absolutely essential for people with weak bladders.  
> In many areas OSM is completely hopeless at accurate routing for cars,  
> motorbikes, HGVs, but we don't stop people adding roads unless they've  
> got every last routing detail correct. 


I haven't had time to write on the tag voting document, but I did notice the 
for 'private' bridleway pic, I would probably tag this as a highway = service.

This probably more as tag for the render, but in IMHO there's not much 
difference between a h=service and h=track,surface=asphalt,(or 
tracktype=grade1). The bonus is the service is currently rendered in Mapnik and 
Cyclemap etc...

Sometimes I think it would be good if OSMers had more focus on aspects that 
*all* the other map providers don't do (especially OS). 

As Tom notes above, it's generally impossible even using OS maps to tell if one 
would like to take a road bike down a Bridleway. One doesn't really want to 
have to keep accessing the OSM data directly for these bits. If A N renderer or 
routers showed/considered such detail (as appropriate for eg road bike users, 
pram/wheel chair pushers, wheelchair users and various use cases) then it would 
be much more powerful.

Also for toilets it is nice to know if they required a fee too!

Be Seeing You - Rob.
If at first you don't succeed,
then skydiving isn't for you.


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