>I guess one question might be, would it be a good idea to distinguish
between statutory and non-statutory designations?

The simpler the tagging, and the easier it is to explain, the more likely
it will be used as you intend. So, although this may be a good idea, it
would need some supporting text on the wiki (I get easily confused when we
get on to legal lingo). But, the first question is really what does it add
to OSM that a well defined list of designation=* tags doesn't.


p.s. Try asking NE for a list of Ancient Woodlands, rather than a
shapefile. This way it should only include NE data and not OS data. As long
as you can match the list up with locations (using bing aerial and OS
StreetView might help) you can then look at adding the tags to OSM. You can
also check against the shapefiles to determine the level of accuracy of
this method.
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