On 24 January 2014 14:25, SK53 <sk53....@gmail.com> wrote:
> By all means say "OSMf/LWG consider that OSGB OGL data can be included in 
> OSM, but
> I personally avoid doing so ..."

But as far I I know, that would be incorrect. According to Michael
Collinson's post at

"LWG view on use of data in OSM under OS OpenData License:

Yes: OS OpenData product except CodePoint

No:  CodePoint (a Royal Mail response to Chris Hill needs further

You need to formally ask:  Any other dataset published under the OS
OpenData License by other organisations, such as English Heritage, (or
by OS if any)."

So unless something has changed since then that I'm not aware of, LWG
consider that data licensed under the OS OpenData Licence *cannot* be
included in OSM, unless it's either one of the specific OS OpenData
products (except CodePoint Open) or you formally ask for permission
from the rights holders.


Robert Whittaker

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