2014-01-25 Matthijs Melissen <i...@matthijsmelissen.nl>:
> On 24 January 2014 11:00, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
> <robert.whittaker+...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you read to the end of the OGL, you'll find that it helpfully says:
>> "These terms are compatible with the Creative Commons Attribution
>> License 4.0 and the Open Data Commons Attribution License, both of
>> which license copyright and database rights. This means that when the
>> Information is adapted and licensed under either of those licences,
>> you automatically satisfy the conditions of the OGL when you comply
>> with the other licence."
>> So you can be confident that if you have data under the OGL then you
>> would have sufficient rights to allow re-distribution under the ODC-By
>> licence, which in turn implies it's ok for OSM to distribute it under
>> the ODbL.
> One thing that confuses me is how different licenses that require
> attribution can be compatible, or even how a work under one license
> requiring attribution can be re-used under that same license. The OGL
> requires the attribution 'Contains public sector information licensed
> under the Open Government Licence v2.0' (or a more specific
> attribution). Openstreetmap requires '© OpenStreetMap contributors'.
> So if someone re-uses Openstreetmap data that contains OGL data and
> only attributes it with '© OpenStreetMap contributors', would that not
> be a violation of the license of the OGL data, because the government
> is not attributed? Can someone clarify that?

In the example you give, the OGL means that OpenStreetMap has to
attribute the government, but the OGL does not require that
OpenStreetMap should force that same requirement onto anyone who uses
OpenStreetMap data. The requirement to attribute the government is not
"inherited". Similarly, the ODbL requires that if I produce a pretty
picture made from OpenStreetMap data, I have to attribute
OpenStreetMap, but I do not have to force any users of my picture to
also attribute OpenStreetMap.


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