On 24/10/14 14:06, Dave F. wrote:
Specific Q lots of these notes in my area are 'Incorrect speed limit.
Reported speed limit is 40 mph' from 'anonymous'. Where is it 'reported'
from. Is it being compared with another database?

There was a short burst of these a couple of months ago. They are very low quality data, more often wrong than right. I suspect the people who injected them reacted to the resulting bad press.

More generally, I think notes only work if they can be cleared quickly. There is a tendency for notes to accumulate and clog the user interface if they involve a lot of work ("outlines bad here", or "lots of shops missing", or if there is no clear test of completion of the work. They also attract a lot of vanity mappings. Whilst some of these can be summarily dismissed, a lot of them are not important enough to research with any priority over normal mapping of the area, so can end up cluttering the map for a long time (alternatively they get resolved to de-clutter the map, but with the result that abusing the notes system gets rewarded).

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