On 23 October 2014 12:19, SK53 <sk53....@gmail.com> wrote:
> The geojson can be converted into a shp file and read into PL2 or JOSM. Most
> useful is to use this to generate a task list in JOSM and step through them
> (I've done this to find postal delivery offices (based on places with lots
> of overlapping postcodes, and then looking for car parks full of red vans))
> and for Co-op shops (which suffer from a plethora of names despite current
> branding being "The Co-operative XXX" where XXX is usually Food or Pharmacy
> (not for much longer).

I'm not sure if this can be done without local knowledge. For the
Tesco-cleanup, I was caught (by you in fact) proposing a Tesco
building as supermarket while it in fact as a Tesco Petrol station.
And I also spotted (not in the UK) a fireworks shop named 'Lidl'.

-- Matthijs

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