> Mapping small shops is probably of limited use, but I do try to remove
> the bias of what I do map and sometimes the only way is to map 
> everything. As a community dominated by male geeks we do tend to 
> add POIs in the order of pubs, take aways, food shops, petrol stations.

> That said pubs are a traditional landmark in the UK and have been used 
> to give directions since long before OSM. In the modern world 
> supermarkets are becoming equally important navigation points. It is 
> certainly important to add these, and they are useful to be able to search 
> when in a strange area. I am unlikely to want to find Brantano, but many
> a time I have needed to find Tesco/Asda when away from home.

Phil, I certainly didn't mean to suggest that people shouldn't many ANY shops, 
and clearly doing so adds a richness to the mapping layer so long as you can 
avoid map clutter. There are definitely categories of navigation milestones 
that people look for, and in addition to pubs & supermarkets that would also 
include Post Offices, petrol stations... I'm sure we can think of others. 
Rather, my point was more that people were getting hung up on (as I see it) 
minutiae when there are other things to address.

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