
Going minorly off on a tangent - One item I would change is leisure=pitch which current represents whole areas of sports grounds to leisure=recreation_ground, & have leisure=pitch to indicate just the pitches (ie the white lines of a football pitch). Currently there are situations with two 'pitches' on top of each other.


David Fox

On 22/05/2015 14:58, David Earl wrote:
Yes, the operator tags are the same when it is the same institution - the colleges are independent institutions, part of the larger federation. This is part of the complexity of this.

I'm not arguing I don't want to change anything, just that there's too much gratuitous change which breaks real, existing products because of hypothetical futures.The wiki analogy is wrong here I think - that's the content. It's much more an API, as I think you were essentially agreeing, and people go to great lengths to try to maintain backward compatibility, only deprecating things when they absolutely have to.

And it's not so much me not wanting to change things, of course change happens, it's random, arbitrary, incompatible change that is such a problem to deal with. Dan's not arguing for that, and I've already said I'll look at it and see what's involved. But not today!

On Fri, 22 May 2015 at 14:49 Andy Allan <gravityst...@gmail.com <mailto:gravityst...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 22 May 2015 at 14:27, David Earl <da...@frankieandshadow.com
    <mailto:da...@frankieandshadow.com>> wrote:
    > Andy, the operator tags are all the same, not the building names.

    No, they really aren't.

    http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/148247775 - "Churchill College
    (University of Cambridge)"
    http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/12861651 - "University of Cambridge"
    http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/98523431 - "Clare College (University
    of Cambridge)"

    > But also the assertion "within a few dozen miles" is wrong, as for
    > Nottingham in China.

    Read what I said, please:

    >> If there were two objects tagged as universities with
    >> identical names within a few dozen miles, I could make a guess they
    >> are the same university and write some rendering rules to suit.

    I make no assertion that all parts of the same university are within a
    dozen miles.

    I hope you realise that your tagging (using tags that imply 1200
    different universities) is causing problems, and think "what could I
    do to help other people" rather than "I don't want to change


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