On 25/10/2015 14:42, Brian Prangle wrote (in a slightly different order):

> Do we need to tag Natura 2000 SACs and SPAs? I've looked at the protected_area wiki page and quite
> frankly lost the will to live.


I'm guessing that, a bit like rights of way, the tagging will sort itself out. Actually working out the bounds of the reserve itself is the hard bit.

Only today I walked past one "welcome to Lathkill Dale NNR" sign, then at some point exited (no sign) and then entered again past a different "welcome to Lathkill Dale NNR" sign. It's a familiar problem - I went path several signs on the south wales coast earlier this month whether one side of a reserve was clearly marked but the other wasn't. You could I suppose align to walls, fences and hedges (and in extremis the sea), but in many cases there are several plausible possibilities for boundaries. Sometimes there's a "sign at each corner" like at http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/53745064 , but it's rare.

> and the Natural England OpenData source and there seems to be a significant amount of data inaccuracy in
> my local area

Is that actually genuine, OS IP free, proper OGL licensed "Open" data? At the start of the month earlier in this thread Jerry commented:

> There are Natural England datasets for National NRs, Local NRs and SSSIs. I think these are under OGL these > days, but like PRoW or Land Registry inspire data, they may incorporate OS MasterMap data, and I have
> always treated them as not fully open.

I had assumed that Natural England datasets such as these (also access land, see https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-gb/2015-August/thread.html#17638 ) were at the very least not "whiter than white" for the reasons discussed in that thread. Fine for a uMap to survey and monitor progress by, but not for OSM itself.

... and of course there's the issue of "a significant amount of data inaccuracy" in the available datasets that you mention, which is another issue entirely.



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