Hi everyone

I've tried to summarise what we discussed on our initial concall and what
Rob's survey revealed into a high-level and short set of aims. It's an
initial draft  and open for comment before our next concall (TBA before end
of Jan). I've included for comparison the aims from those countries that
have established  a local national "chapter". I'm afraid the translation
software I used just couldn't do justice to Japanese!

Proposed aims for UKOSM:

The aims of (eventual name) are:

To increase the number of data contributors;develop their skills and keep
their motivation so that new contributors become active mappers to improve
and maintain OpenStreetMap data in the UK.

To provide a national point of contact for UK organisations wishing to use
OSM data or contribute data to OSM.

To engage in  activities and provide  services that are consistent with
achieving these aims.


The associations purpose is the support and advancement of projects,
people, companies and organisations in all language regions of Switzerland
that collect, use, process and distribute open and free geo-data. Such
activities can be of non-commercial as well as commercial nature.

The association has no commercial purpose


We strive to support the OpenStreetMap project in the United States through
fostering awareness, ensuring broad availability of data, continuous
quality improvement, and an active community.


L’objectif de l’association est de promouvoir le projet OpenStreetMap et
 notamment la collecte, la diffusion et l'utilisation de données cartographiques
 sous des licences libres. Le règlement intérieur liste les licences
libres applicables
 aux données géographiques.

 The objective of the association is to promote the OpenStreetMap Project
including the collection , dissemination and use of mapping data under free
 licenses. The rules list free licenses applicable to geographic data.


The purpose of the Society is to advocate for open and free GIS data


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