Thanks Dudley,

I loose track of the definitions you sometimes get in business, and to
confirm we are looking for "aims" here. The objectives would be the
"projects" I mentioned in a previous email.

The bit on "use" probably does need expanding as Robert W also mentioned
it. If anyone has any further ideas please let us know :-)


On 4 January 2016 at 20:01, Dudley Ibbett <> wrote:

> Hi Rob
> It seems that if we are thinking about charitable organisation we need to
> be careful about whether we are talking about “aims” or “objectives”.  Quoting
> :
> “Aims are the changes you are trying to achieve.” and “Objectives are the
> methods or activities by which you achieve your aims”.
> My initial thought for an objective was:  “To facilitate and encourage
> the development and use of Openstreetmap in the UK”.  Although this looks
> like more of an “aim” according to the above.
> I do think including “use” is important.  There are clearly large data
> users but this also works down at an individual level.  I started by
> using an OSM map on my Garmin for example before I then became involved in
> improving the map.  So encouraging use could well lead to more
> development.  I also think that using the map helps feedback into
> improving the overall quality of development.
> Personally I’m not sure about “increase the number of data contributors”
> as a primary objective.  I know of a chair for one organisation that
> decided that this was very important and ended up undermining the aim of
> the organisation.  I also not that keen on “keep their motivation”.   It
> strikes me as quite a difficult objective to achieve and assess the
> organisations success against, given how many individual motivations seem
> to exist in the OSM community.
> Perhaps we need to restructure this with aims and objectives to achieve
> these.  If we want to keep the option of a charitable organisation open
> then presumably the aims will also need to be “charitable”.
> Kind Regards
> Dudley
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2016 23:12:25 +0000
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] UKOSM or OSMUK or OSMGB proposed aims
> On 3 January 2016 at 16:45, Brian Prangle <bprangle at> wrote:
> >> Proposed aims for UKOSM:
> >>
> >> The aims of (eventual name) are:
> >>
> >> To increase the number of data contributors;develop their skills and
> keep
> >> their motivation so that new contributors become active mappers to
> improve
> >> and maintain OpenStreetMap data in the UK.
> >>
> >> To provide a national point of contact for UK organisations wishing to
> use
> >> OSM data or contribute data to OSM.
> >>
> >> To engage in  activities and provide  services that are consistent with
> >> achieving these aims.
> Robert W wrote:
> >I think those are all good. From a personal point of view (and to
> >allow more flexibility if we want to) I'd also like to see:
> >
> >* Something more explicit to allow the group to create / support /
> >encourage the use of tools to improve OpenStreetMap data in the UK.
> >(The first point above could be read as just focusing on the mappers,
> >rather than the wider aim of improving the data by any other means.)
> >
> ><snip>
> Hi Robert,
> I think your first point is already covered in Brian's first. As a general
> note (as I was getting confused whilst discussing this at the mapping event
> last week) the aim here is to get a high level set of aims. To test them
> you should ask yourself "does my project idea fit within the aims". In this
> case I think tools to improve data ("the project") would be one solution to
> the "keep them motivated [...] to improve [...] OpenStreetMap data" in
> Brian's first point. To use the earlier phrase Get, Train, Retain (or
> Obtain, Train, Retain if you prefer :-) ) then this would be part of the
> Retain strategy. Shout out if you disagree and I may be incorrectly
> interpreting.
> Your other point on data users is a good one. I'll let others weigh in
> with their views but I was also thinking that "facilitate the [...}
> contribution of data [...] to OSM" is needed. This is the "promote the
> release of OpenData" but put in a way that also covers other data sets. I
> like your wording here.
> Best,
> *Rob*
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