2017-01-18 13:51 GMT+00:00 Dave F <davefoxfa...@btinternet.com>:
> Hi
> Do people reside & sleep in the park or nursery?
> If 'no' then is it really residential?


> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:landuse%3Dresidential
> As the database becomes more detailed/accurate the "granularity" gets
> smaller. Entities like 'residential' will have less blanket coverage, items
> will be individually tagged Which is what you note in another of your posts:
> "And the address of the nursery also includes "Queen's Park Court": "
> So the cover-all named residential area becomes redundant.

If you're aiming to remove the redundancy from OSM... good luck ;)

It makes perfect sense to me that there can be an identifiable area
whose name is "Queen's Park Court" and also that "Queen's Park Court"
would be a part of the address for some item within it.


> Regarding the nursery I'd redraw the residential around it, map it's
> boundary fence as amenity=kindergarten, transfer all the address data to
> that polygon & tag the building with building=kindergarten. This is how the
> vast majority of the schools were tagged in the recent GB quarterly project.
> Cheers
> DaveF
> On 18/01/2017 11:24, Derick Rethans wrote:
>> It's part of the residential estate, so I disagree with that. cheers,
>> Derick
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