The classic shared space scheme in Haren:

has no tags that I can see.

I'd go for something like shared_space=yes for the moment. It's a "special"
type of traffic calming.

On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 6:14 PM, Colin Smale <> wrote:

> Just like in the UK, the councils here make it up as they go along; a
> "shared space" has no special legal status, unlike a "woonerf".
> A general principle which has proved its worth is that to make things
> safer, you remove the safety features. Like white lines and kerbs. Everyone
> moans a bit, but in the mean time you slow down and watch out just that
> little bit more... Hence shared spaces, an apparent free-for-all that works
> well.
> On 2017-10-01 18:57, Andy Townsend wrote:
> Not an answer, but a suggestion where there might be a bit more info...
> The Netherlands forum
> might be worth a read, since the shared space concept was pioneered there;
> is directly about
> "shared_space" but a search for "woonerf" (aka "home zone") gets a whole
> bunch more hits.
> Best Regards,
> Andy
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