Thanks for all the suggestions, and Andy - thanks for the hosting info.

To answer the questions that came up:

- contours should be easy, yes as I already have a DB containing them. It's 
just a case of using them with the current version of Mapnik; I've added 
contours with Mapnik before but a good number of years ago now.

- The carto style is indeed a fork of the original OSM carto style, forked by 
Andy some time ago (I believe before the road colour scheme was altered); it's 
now been further forked for the OSM UK project.



From: Andy Townsend <>
Sent: 30 October 2017 17:34:11
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] The OSM UK map

On 30/10/2017 08:58, Nick Whitelegg wrote:

As you may know, the plan is to produce a UK specific OSM mapping site. A start 
on this has been made here:

using a fork of SomeoneElse (Andy)'s cartography with one very minor tweak so 
far, namely footpaths and bridleways are rendered in a style similar to 
Landranger maps.

Glad to be of service :)

There are a couple of other tweaks you'd probably want to do:

o One is to reinstate cycleways as "a thing".  In order to free up a colour to 
use for public bridleways I used blue for that and just rendered cycleways like 
other paths (coloured according to designation, dashed for wide and dotted for 
narrow).  Green's a problem because so much on an OSM map is different shades 
of grreen.  That's fine for me (I'm not a cyclist) but something a bit more 
inclusive would probably include cycleways.  Not sure what colour you'd want to 
go for though - if you want to go more for OS-style colours you'd have a lot 
less colour on the map than most OSM-based ones (styles designed as an 
"underlay" like Mapbox Streets aside).

o Another is railways - I'm guessing you'd want to remove the rendering of 
dismantled railways, and also possibly abandoned ones, but I'd suggest keeping 
proposed ones so that people can see where HS2 is going(!) (as an example,
 shows all three types).

o If you want to do "Welsh Language first in Wales" as described in I can make the load 
scripts available for that.  It's pretty much what's in the diary entry but is 
a runnable script.

In terms of server space, we did have a server available to us for development 
purposes (provided by Birmingham in Real Time) however this will be unavailable 
for a month or two; however our contact there is going to recommend some cheap 
hosting options.

For info, the site (which covers the UK and Ireland) 
currently fits nicely on a 4Gb memory / 100Gb SSD disk server at Hetzner; at 
<£15 per month you could probably short-term fund it with a whip-round in a 
pub.  I'm sure that the other competing options - OVH et al - are similar; for 
the size of server I wanted for the UK Hetzner made sense for me at the 
beginning of the year; slightly larger or smaller on any spec parameter and 
something else might have been better.

Best Regards,


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