On 07/05/2019 12:40, Martin Wynne wrote:

I think this goes to the heart of my (mis)understanding of what OSM is for?

Are we trying to create a legal reference document?

Or a description of what a visitor would see on the ground?

We are trying to create something that serves several purposes.

We are not actually trying to create a legal document, but we are trying create something that is useful to people making planning decisions and trying to understand the nature of the area.

The reason we cannot produce a legal document is that we cannot fulfil the requirements of producing something that is definitively correct, but for many purposes things only have to generally correct, not legally correct.

In this case, I wouldn't have cut out the farmland at all, around the road and the house, especially if the house turns out to be a farm house. I might have nested landuse=residential, for the curtilage of the house. It would be up to a data consumer to decide whether such an isolated landuse=residential was relevant to its needs to know about landuse.

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