On 07/05/2019 14:38, David Woolley wrote:
On 07/05/2019 13:30, Martin Wynne wrote:
This idea of primary and secondary tags is new to me. There is no
such distinction in the iD editor -- all applied tags are simply
listed in alphabetical order.
Things like name, height, and colour are normally considered secondary.
Yes. Think of them as 'adjective' tags
Things like landuse, building and leisure are considered primary.
Generally if you don't have a primary tag, the object won't get
rendered. If you have more than one primary tag, it becomes difficult
for renderer to choose how to interpret the object. However, if there
is no great conflict, it is sometimes acceptable to combine, primary tags.
Indeed. If it's a polygon object It often comes down to whether it needs
to be rendered with a fill pattern. For example, a landuse=farmland
polygon should be able to render with an added barrier=hedge, but as
soon as the standard rendering, OSM-Carto, finds a primary tag it
assumes it's the only one & stops looking for alternatives.
Often combining primary tags indicates that you are oversimplifying,
e.g. it is common to have both shop and building, but that is probably
wrong, because the shop often doesn't occupy the whole building.
Similarly a pub may really be the gardens, as well as the building.
If a pub has external land other than the building itself a similar
schema to 'schools' should be used: draw an enclosing polygon around the
extent of the grounds & tag it with amenity=pub & any other details such
as name, address, website etc. All other areas parking, garden etc
should be mapped with the boundary The actual buildings should only be
tagged with building=yes/pub.
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