On Wed, 26 Jun 2019 at 21:08, Brian Prangle <bpran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The whole area needs simplification to replace multiple overlaid ways with 
> multipolygon relations.

I'm curious about what you mean here. Are you referring to replacing
(in a simple example) two square closed ways that share a common edge,
with three non-closed ways (two with three segments, and one with one)
and two relations to represent the original two squares? If so, I've
seen this done in various places, but I've never understood the point
it. The two representations are identical in terms of the data, but
the latter requires 2.5 times as many objects and is much more of a
pain to work with in the editors. All to avoid having a common line
segment between two areas -- which doesn't seem to be a particular
problem to me. Are there some advantages that I'm missing?



Robert Whittaker

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