On 17/3/20 8:53 pm, John Aldridge wrote:
On 17-Mar-20 02:08, Warin wrote:
A single GPS trace is fine if that is all there is, better to average many GPS traces, in some locations I have 50+.

Though, AIUI, once you've reached this level of precision, remaining errors are likely to be systematic (e.g. satellites in a particular direction being generally received via a -- delaying -- reflection rather than directly). No amount of averaging will help with that.

Yes, a source of error. When placed over some reasonable imagery any discrepancies can be seen, evaluated and if necessary compensated for. However most users will not be aware of the discrepancy as they would be using another GPS to 'see' it.

If the GPS tracks are separated by days, weeks and months then the satellites will have changed, and the satellite positions too. Usually there will be 'outliers' that are more than 2 standard deviations from the average. It is valid to delete these from computations.

I don't bother with the calculations and do it by eye, more satisfying than loading it all into a program, taking the result and entering it. And I like to see the raw data anyway.

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