On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 at 12:27, Peter Neale <neal...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> I tried following the link to your proposed new source of “official” data, 
> but none of the 3 links to the data worked very well for me.
> Link 1:  (API format) led to http 404 error.
> Link 2  (CSV(TSV) format – led to http 404 error
> Link 3  (XSV format) downloaded a file with a “.csv” file extension that 
> seemed to be tab-separated, rather than comma-separated.  I took that into a 
> text editor and did a global Find and Replace of Tab with Comma.  The 
> resultant .csv file loaded into Excel just fine, but it has over 11,000 lines 
> and many of them must now have additional commas, because a number of fields 
> are right-shifted (Post Code in the Latitude Column, Latitude in the 
> Longitude Column, etc.)  Also, over 700 have Blank in the Address1 Field, 
> with the whole address in Address 2, Address 3, etc.  Then quite a few (from 
> my sample in the first 30) have County values in the ParentName Field.  So I 
> fear that, unless you can do a better conversion than I did (and you almost 
> certainly could, I know!) you will have a lot of manual cleaning up to do, 
> before you can use this data.

Yes, the first two links at
are broken for me as well. For the third link, it looks like they
tried to do CSV, but didn't understand how to escape commas within the
fields, and so opted to use a different character "¬" instead. If you
import this into a spreadsheet, and tell it to use just "¬" as the
column separator, I think it works out fine, with all the entries in
the right place. (You can certainly do this with LibreOffice; I'm not
sure about Excel.) The address lines seem to be used inconsistently,
but everything is back aligned when you get to the postcode field.

Best wishes,


Robert Whittaker

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