This may have got lost in the discussion about highway=no, but I'd
like to get some feedback on what prow_ref format is best to use in
Lancashire. See my previous message below:

On Mon, 4 May 2020 at 19:23, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
<> wrote:
> The format of the Right of Way numbers seems to depend on what
> map/data you look at. I think it would be highly desirable if we could
> agree on a single format to use throughout the whole of Lancashire in
> OpenStreetMap.
> I think the Lancashire online map at
> is a relatively recent innovation. (By the way, you shouldn't use that
> map for OSM mapping, as there's an OS-copyrighted backdrop, which you
> might inadvertently take information from, or use relative positioning
> information from.) The Council's online map uses "1-2-FP 3", while
> mapthepaths uses "1-2 3" (which comes from older GIS data Lancashire
> released and was given to On my tool, I've currently
> adopted the "[parish name] [type] [number]" format, which is the
> default if I don't select anything else.
> So what to standardise on? The "1-2" part in the numbers above is a
> parish code, which I think is probably an internal GIS thing within
> the council, rather than what the official legal documents use to
> refer to the paths. If you look at how they actually refer to the
> paths, e.g. in the DMMO register at
> you'll see
> they almost always refer to them by the parish name, type and number.
> There's some discrepancy over whether a Public Footpath is PF or FP
> (or occasionally PFP). But on the computer-generated order maps, it's
> always FP, with BW used for Bridleway and BOAT for Byways Open to All
> Traffic. I couldn't find a Restricted Byway on a map. The parish names
> (rather than ID numbers) are also a lot easier for humans to deal with
> when mapping.
> Based on the above, my preference would be to agree to use the
> "[parish name] [type] [number]" format. But if it's decided to use
> something else, I'll happily change my tool to whatever is decided.
> (Although I can only set one format per county, so it will need to be
> county-wide.) Hopefully Nick will be able / willing to do the same on
> mapthepaths.

(I've since been in touch with Nick, and he's keen to work together so
we have use the same format for each county in our two tools.)

Many thanks,


Robert Whittaker

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