On 03/09/2020 10:41, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi,
> On 03.09.20 11:29, Robert Skedgell wrote:
>> I believe the most appropriate base tagging, following the duck tagging
>> principle for highway=*, for most of the paths in QEOP would be:
>> highway=cycleway + segregated=no + bicycle=permissive + foot=permissive
> I think that highway=cycleway implies bicycle=yes so adding a
> bicycle=permissive would be confusing?
> In my mental picture the combination highway=cycleway+foot=permissive
> means: "This is a way made and intended for bicycles. But pedestrians
> are also tolerated." - which might well be correct given that there
> seems to be a lot of cycle-related infrastructure around.
> To be honest, given the rules you cite, I would be tempted to use
> highway=footway+bicycle=yes OR the dreaded
> highway=path+bicycle=yes+foot=yes - but I haven't seen how it looks on
> the ground.
> Bye
> Frederik

The rationale for using permissive here is that there isn't really any
right of way through the park, so the park's operators can and do close
parts of it with little or no notice for events and maintenance.
Otherwise, I would probably be more inclined to use highway=cycleway +

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