This anomaly gives rise to the situation that there is a triangle (more
or less) of water near Flat Holm which is simultaneously within the
jurisdiction of  Wales and the City of Bristol. It probably only matters
for things like fishing, as that was basically the reason to define
clearly the maritime boundary between England and Wales, fishing and the
marine environment (up to 12nm) being Devolved Powers. The City of
Bristol is probably the only cross-border local authority in the UK.... 

On 2020-09-12 19:53, Russ Garrett wrote:

> Oh wait, I remember now. This is correct for extremely stupid reasons
> relating to the boundaries of the county of Bristol including a large
> chunk of the Bristol Channel.
> I can confirm the boundary in OSM matches the one in OS Boundary Line.
> That relation could probably do with a note tag on it, though.
> Cheers,
> Russ
> On Sat, 12 Sep 2020 at 18:48, Russ Garrett <> wrote: 
> I'm pretty sure Flat Holm is part of Cardiff - Steep Holm is in
> England but it also isn't in Bristol as far as I know. There's
> definitely something weird going on with the boundaries there but it
> also looks like nothing has changed around there in a while. Curious.
> On Sat, 12 Sep 2020 at 18:39, Brian Prangle <> wrote: 
> This island, in the bristol Channel between Weston super Mare and Barry seems 
> to be in two countries  at once. It's on the Welsh side of the national 
> boundary but also in South West England City of Bristol. This is either a map 
> error with the Welsh boundary or a legal anomaly I don't know which.  If it's 
> one of those legal quirks then wouldn't it be better as an exclave of England 
> in Wales?
> Apologies if this has come up before.
> Regards
> Brian
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