On Friday 27 Nov 2009 10:43:19 am PlaneMad wrote:
> i guess you got me wrong, i suggested adding the historical borders of
> kashmir kingdom after consulting the pakistani editors into osm. but this
> would be rendered only on the indian server as a dotted line or whatever.
> for indian use its important to indicate that border without which you cant
> publish the map here.

anyway I found a solution - although I need help. The boundaries are *not* in 
the OSM database. They are in a separate set of files called 'world_boundaries' 
which is used by osm2pgsql to populate the database. Those files are available 
$ wget http://tile.openstreetmap.org/world_boundaries-spherical.tgz (50M)

we need someone to open these files in grass or qgis and edit the Indian 
boundaries to reflect the official position. Of course we will still have 'Azad 
Kashmir', but it will be shown as inside India. Or we can add some xml rule 
not to render it. So can someone with GIS expertise please do the needful?

Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Project Officer

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