Just to be clear: a report to the DWG needs neither meetings, roles,
responsibilities or a common language (well it is likely that a report
in English will be easier to understand, but that is about it).

I realize that there might be a cultural hurdle, but any OSM contributor
can and should, if other avenues have not worked (naturally we all
prefer if things can be fixed locally and need not be escalated), report
use of sources that we do not have permission to use.


Am 24.02.2017 um 12:53 schrieb Max:
> Paul Norman also has complained that nobody has contacted the DWG.
> https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/1464#issuecomment-282268051
> I guess this is because there is no organizational structure in the
> Korean OSM community (yet). No IRL meetings, no roles, no
> responsiblities, maybe not even a common language. As everyone can see
> discussions on talk-ko happen to be mainly in English, so most mombers
> are "expats" me included, and I am even not any more in Korea.
> my 2ct..
> On 2017년 02월 23일 21:00, Simon Poole wrote:
>> Just a couple of notes on the use of the VWorld imagery:
>>   * when you experience use of questionable sources in a larger way,
>>     please inform the Data Working Group (d...@osmfoundation.org) and
>>     take action without too much delay. These problems tend to get
>>     larger, not smaller with time.
>>   * please point out the use of  problematic sources via changeset
>>     comments to the mappers in question and point out that they are
>>     doing nobody a favour.
>>   * while not speaking for the DWG, I suspect that due to the touchy
>>     nature of this specific source we will want to redact the edits
>>     (which removes them from history too) so likely it doesn't make
>>     sense to revert them manually. As the changesets in question are
>>     easy to identify this should not be a larger problem.
>> Simon
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