"한국어 (English)" form should be corrected. I thought about some
automatic mass editing if possible.

2017-03-01 0:18 GMT+09:00 느림보 <nri...@gmail.com>:
> I’m new comer to OSM community. I joined the community after I noticed my
> village was not displayed on Pokémon GO. I tried to join several years ago,
> but I hesitated because I couldn’t find good guidance for editing. I didn’t
> want to follow non-official source of guidance like blog posts, and gave up
> soon.
> At this present, I don’t understand guidance for Korean region clearly. I’m
> just writing down my understanding and my rules on my profile page believing
> someone will correct my mistake if she/he would see it.
> I think some complexity come from name tags. There are many name tags for
> one Korean POI -- name, name:ko, name:en, name:ko_hanja, name:ko_rm. As Max
> pointed out, some name tag has English and Korean such as "name=새마을11교 (Sae
> Village 11 Gyo)". I understood the usage of “한국어 (English)” came from
> technical reason and the rule was changed “한국어” on Oct. 2014 (Source:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Korea_Naming_Convention.)
> However, many POIs are remained with “한국어 (English)” without written
> guidance (deleted and/or revised). In this reason, the first thing I did was
> searching history of naming rules. I don’t know why the community left “한국어
> (English)” style until now, but believe such old-styles are fixed
> immediately and automatically. I could write a bot if the community allows.
> I have doubt on name:ko_rm and name:ko_hanja. Many ko_rm field was
> transliterated mechanically from its name without concern exceptions defined
> in Revised Romanization of Korean. Then how about hand over Romanization of
> Korean to renderer if need? By the way, is useful for foreigners? Is there a
> renderer displaying ko_rm? As a Korean, I don’t know advantage of managing
> ko_rm field manually. Related this field, I saw deleting line on ko_rm and
> suggestion of ko_Latn in
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Names#Localization page, but it isn’t
> harmonized with other wiki pages.
> As well as, I suggest to modify ‘name:en’ to cover Revised Romanize
> non-composite place name. Many POIs’ name:en tags have Romanize Korean only,
> but it is not written as guidance. It may be arguable because strictly
> Romanized Korean is not English. However such exception will help foreigners
> rather than omitting or writing in tag:ko_rm tag.
> p.s. I used 한국어 in this discussion to represent Korean written in Hangeul.
> 2017-02-24 23:37 GMT+09:00 Max <abonneme...@revolwear.com>:
>> Simon, off cause you are right. I was not the one finding out about the
>> vworld image usage. I am not patrolling OSM, I don't even know the tools how
>> to do it. I don't feel a responsibility for Korea nor do I feel I can speak
>> for OSM Korea, because it doesn't really exist. I only heard about it here
>> on the list and thought a issue in the ID bugreacker is a good idea.
>> However I think this situation is a good opportunity and an experience to
>> learn from. We can create the structures to make sure this can't happen
>> again. Or at least raise the awareness.
>> I have a few thoughts. Fist let me try an asessment of the situation for
>> those from outside:
>> 1. OSM in Korea is in a quite dire state. There are only very few
>> contibutors, the quality of data is low, Most of it still stems from an
>> import that is very old. Village POI are usually so off that it's impossible
>> to know which village has which name without local knowledge. Junctions are
>> imported as lone points, often with steets missing. Bridges too.
>> The language is a mess, with "English" and Korean mixed in brakets ((and
>> double brackets too)). Half-translations such as "name=새마을11교(Sae Village 11
>> Gyo)"(sic)
>> 2. Bing Satellite imagery is not available in big parts of the country.
>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=16/37.1364/128.2107
>> Mapbox Satellite often only in B/W, cloudy covered or low-res
>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=13/38.0416/128.2093
>> 3. Commercial Map providers like Naver and Daum on the other hand are
>> extremely detailed, up to date including even streetview from bicycle tracks
>> and such.
>> 4. The OSM community is very loose to say the least. I don't think anyone
>> knows someone else IRL. There is the mailinglist with some months of 0
>> emails. It consists largely of expats and most posts are in English.
>> ---
>> In this situation, now we have suddenly new users contributing a lot of
>> detail http://osmcha.mapbox.com/46332326/
>> But they are not reacting on changeset comments or direct messages, maybe
>> because of a language barrier.
>> Here my thoughts:
>> 1. Is it somehow possible to not scare those away, now that their
>> contributions will be reverted? Is there a way to say: "Thank you for your
>> contribution, unfortunately we had to delete you edits because of legal
>> problems from derived maps from unlicensed satellite images. But we want you
>> to stay in our community"?
>> 2. How to address the teenagers and Pokemon Go users with a lot of time
>> and turn their obsession into something that is for the common good.
>> (honestly that is what OSM is for me personally: Procrastination, but with
>> the added bonus of doing something for mankind, compare this to playing
>> candy crush.)
>> 3. Should we embrace those kids better? Maybe having a booth at a games
>> convention where pokemon users go?
>> 4. Should OSM Korea make an effort to become some sort of organization?
>> Or would that lead to more problems even? Around Daegu I noticed that a
>> lot of army bases are mapped, even with their names, which are completely
>> censored on any other service. South Korea government and authorities might
>> not find this funny. This is a very young democracy with the army and secret
>> service having a lot of power. I think i remember a story that Revi has made
>> some experiences here when he was editing wikipedia.
>> my 2 1/2 ct.
>> m.
>> On 2017년 02월 24일 13:08, Simon Poole wrote:
>>> Just to be clear: a report to the DWG needs neither meetings, roles,
>>> responsibilities or a common language (well it is likely that a report
>>> in English will be easier to understand, but that is about it).
>>> I realize that there might be a cultural hurdle, but any OSM contributor
>>> can and should, if other avenues have not worked (naturally we all
>>> prefer if things can be fixed locally and need not be escalated), report
>>> use of sources that we do not have permission to use.
>>> Simon
>>> Am 24.02.2017 um 12:53 schrieb Max:
>>>> Paul Norman also has complained that nobody has contacted the DWG.
>>>> https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/1464#issuecomment-282268051
>>>> I guess this is because there is no organizational structure in the
>>>> Korean OSM community (yet). No IRL meetings, no roles, no
>>>> responsiblities, maybe not even a common language. As everyone can see
>>>> discussions on talk-ko happen to be mainly in English, so most mombers
>>>> are "expats" me included, and I am even not any more in Korea.
>>>> my 2ct..
>>>> On 2017년 02월 23일 21:00, Simon Poole wrote:
>>>>> Just a couple of notes on the use of the VWorld imagery:
>>>>>   * when you experience use of questionable sources in a larger way,
>>>>>     please inform the Data Working Group (d...@osmfoundation.org) and
>>>>>     take action without too much delay. These problems tend to get
>>>>>     larger, not smaller with time.
>>>>>   * please point out the use of  problematic sources via changeset
>>>>>     comments to the mappers in question and point out that they are
>>>>>     doing nobody a favour.
>>>>>   * while not speaking for the DWG, I suspect that due to the touchy
>>>>>     nature of this specific source we will want to redact the edits
>>>>>     (which removes them from history too) so likely it doesn't make
>>>>>     sense to revert them manually. As the changesets in question are
>>>>>     easy to identify this should not be a larger problem.
>>>>> Simon
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