On 9/1/07, Marc Kessels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Please keep looking for any more strange issues. I'm still thinking we
> > should merge roads with the same name/tags.
> I still oppose, since there are no ways with the same tags. Each road
> has its unique AND-ID. Even when this is the only difference between two
> roads, You will be loosing information. Especially since not all AND
> data types are converted yet. (housenumbers, turn restrictions, ...)

Well, we could combine theose tags specially, like
AND_FROM=30943,423,34,342. In any case it doesn't matter, we have the
AND_ID of the *nodes* in the database, so even if we didn't have
AND_FROM_NODE,AND_TO_NODE we could still put all the street numbers

That is something else, which of the current AND tags do we want to
keep? AND_DEBUG will go away, AND_part is transient. AND-inverted is
interesting but in the long run useless. I propose at least those
three be removed. It would be ok to still include AND_TO/FROM_NODE,
but I fear people will just delete them anyway, so why keep them? Like
I said, the nodes have the ID still so we don't need much more than

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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