Am 12.01.2011 16:30, schrieb ant:
Consider an application that takes a start and an end address, maybe other options such as night lines only, and that shall calculate the shortest PT connection including number of stops etc. How would you accomplish that with the old tagging scheme?

By introducing an abstract interface layer with your own objects, that is your own internal standard, into which all the "messy" present standards would be translated. This is easy. Then you play with *your* objects, your program is not directly dependent on the OSM PT standards. Any changes to the standards will require only a few lines of code to the abstract interface layer.

BTW Data consistency is not as important as it used to be 15 years ago. We primarily have to make sure that no contradicting standards exists. Of course, this conversation still does make sense, because we want to have a clear standard for beginners, and for our own ease of use (and fun).


Best regards, mit freundlichen Grüssen, meilleurs sentiments, Pozdrowienia,

Michał Borsuk

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