
On 27.01.2011 10:49, Richard Mann wrote:
I think we've got three broad decisions:

1) Whether the use of stop area / group relations should be
a) widespread
b) exceptional


2) Whether route relations should
a) contain all the variants in one relation, with no attempt at
ordering, just stops identified as forward/backward
b) try to match all the individual stop-sets that you might find in a timetable
c) contain an ordered set of ways/stops, in whatever fashion the
mapper feels appropriate

b (by the way: how would (a) work in the case of a ring line?)

3) Whether there should be a new public_transport key, to try to
clarify the bus_stop/tram_stop distinction
a) aim to move tram_stops to alongside the track, and put something
else (tram_stop_group / tram_station?) on the track
b) aim to move bus_stops onto the road, and put something else
(platform?) alongside
c) encourage the use of platforms on tram systems, and use those in
the relation instead of tram_stop
d) add a new public_transport key, so that public_transport=platform
can be used for everything

c and d (we shouldn't redefine tags that are in million-times use!)


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