Thank God Arriva have left Wales.The GTFS was fetched from transitfeeds or 
transitland in the last year. The problem with both these services, and the far 
more usable and original GTFSfeeds for that matter, is there's no real reason 
to put yourself on there other than geeks like me might be able to get hold of 
it, and no real reason for the service to be maintained anyway. I cant believe 
any production outfit is using these services as part of their data flow unless 
the service provider uses that same data for their own products. I'd like to 
think BuzMap would make a decent frontispiece to any directory and allow you to 
download a GTFS by clicking on it's footprint, and list all GTFS in an area by 
dragging a box out perhaps.  One of my tasks is to flesh out the provenance and 
fetching/update strategy for the GTFS import. I can then start pointing to more 
reliable sources per individual feed. I could then turn this into a GTFS 
directory myself. I mailed 3 tiers of people, the UK Dept of transport project 
to get buses GTFSed, an EU level body that is essentially promoting the same, 
and there's a world body wanting to "increase bus usage by 100%". If you know 
anyone in any of those entities, say hello. The core idea works, there was 
enough easy data in Europe to prove this. I can do Paris, and I can do whole 
countries like Holland, I am scared of nobody :).  NYC will look awesome with 
the ferries to boot.  But I am far more interested in getting this to work in 
areas outside of North America and Western Europe, unless someone is going to 
make it worth the effort.
There is only one instance of any trip pattern, so you only get one instance of 
a timetable. Doing complete timetables ultimately requires route planning and 
merging of common routes. Deploying a trip planner for all this is going to 
take kit obviously, loads more space, and it's just replication of what has 
been done many times already. My view on this is that it's a separate job, the 
trip planner can use my tiles. I need to make it clear its just the stop order 
and change the times to time differences, maybe include the first and last 
departure times. I'd like it to tell the truth and give you all the times, but 
it's a major job obviously.
    On Monday, 27 January 2020, 02:46:44 GMT+7, Philip Barnes 
<> wrote:  
 You still have Arriva Trains Wales as the train operator for Wales and 
Borders, it has been Transport for Wales for well over a year.

Also not fully understanding the times, are they supposed to the next train?

Phil (trigpoint)

On Sunday, 26 January 2020, Mark Lester via Talk-transit wrote:
> Hello Mappers,I've been building this, there's a couple of 
> read me's at the top. There are a stack of issues but this now looks 
> eminently doable.
> My pitch on all this is that people like maps. Give people a map of a 
> transport network and they will follow the wiggly lines. They will notice 
> that an island has a connecting ferry and a bus network (see Estonia). 
> Envisage mountainous and wilderness areas and their transit geography more 
> easily (see Sweden). Be able to scan an entire metropolis network to it's 
> extremities without having to use trial and error (see Paris, Prague, 
> Petersburg, Athens). And generally be intrigued and want to zoom in and 
> discover. I am not having much success evangelizing this view with regard to 
> a global transit map. If I can get this to a production state with all known 
> GTFS, and sex up the high level areas that have no listed transport with a 
> much deeper road network than you normally get at higher tiers, we will at 
> least have the "intrigue me" travel map that I personally want. Obviously I 
> haven't got very far with the front end. In particular it's not interacting 
> very well on mobile, it's lousy in fact. I need help in any way shape or form 
> available but if anyone knows how to get a thin line to interact in Leaflet 
> on mobile, please suggest. I did try to paint a massive invisible one on top 
> but it didn't work and I got nowhere with the debugger, so even help with 
> that would be appreciated. I also want to do funky stuff like flipping the 
> railways or buses to the foreground on touching. In a dense centre of a 
> metropolis, being able to flip the metro or tram network to the top is 
> already an important requirement. The Mapbox stuff does this but I haven't 
> sussed the layers within tiles stuff and how to do it yet.
> I've got a game plan to fix most of the other bugs, especially in the rail 
> routing which is quite screwed right now once you zoom in. I will get the 
> whole of the visible GTFS world on there, so all of USA that's available, and 
> anything else that I can find. It's going to take a few months, probably most 
> of the year including downtime. I say visible GTFS, as oppose to existing. 
> There is an awful lot of bus data that patently exists as it's in booking 
> engines, and in GTFS form if it's on Google, but isn't anywhere easily found.
> What I want to investigate is to use the reduction method I have to draw 
> efficient level 8 to 1 vector tiles of simplified road networks. So you can 
> look at say all of India, US, Canada, China, Russia, Brazil or any area of 
> that size, and get a decent view of the national road infrastructure even if 
> I haven't got any bus data yet. I still will need to do some of the same 
> simple reduction used for doing the detailed lower tier standard rendering of 
> levels 7-16, i.e. filter road classifications down once it becomes an 
> unavoidable mess even with reduction, leaving only motorways for the top two 
> or so tiers. I think we will get a usable, readable and "representative" map 
> of these upper layers, which by default are either road light or completely 
> vacant. The bus network I have in Europe, which is just a tiny subset, is 
> messy at the high level, I will try to refine it, but the trains work, so I 
> am sure motorways will too and we'll tune in the lower road classifications 
> and with appropriate clustering radii as we proceed down the tile tree.
> Any input gratefully received. Apologies for the spam of three lists, please 
> respond directly unless it's something of interest to more than just me. Also 
> I am in contact with OSM folks, I know I am using free tile servers. How we 
> run this as a public self funding service is one of the many things I need 
> help with. It seems an obvious gimme for anyone selling bus tickets but it's 
> not easy to get anyone to pick the phone up. I have resigned myself to having 
> to build a production system in between doing not a lot.
> Mark Lester

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