chris wrote:
 > On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Alex Mauer <> wrote:
 > > On 09/09/2009 12:05 PM, Chris Hunter wrote:
 > > > ....  Of course, it also reopens the track/path argument,
 > > > but I'll leave that to others to battle out.
 > >
 > > How is there even an argument there?  track is for cars and always has
 > > been, while path is for not-cars and always has been.
 > >
 > > There's an ongoing thread on the newbies list about tracks and paths not
 > rendering in the cyclemap layer.  It's basically a rehash of the "code for
 > accuracy, not for the renderer".  The start of the thread is at

how hard is it (either technically or "politically") to get the
major renderers to adapt to needs like this?  as i understand it,
the paved/unpaved topic has much the same issue.  (and i'd like
to be able to tell my new-to-osm friends that they'll someday be
able to actually see the results of adding unpaved tags.)

 paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 55.4 degrees)

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