alex wrote:
 > On 09/08/2009 01:18 PM, Paul Fox wrote:
 > > alex wrote:
 > >  > On 09/06/2009 05:56 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
 > >  > > I would tend to go with highway=track unless the street in question 
 > > is a
 > >  > > gravelled over macadam or some other semi-paved surface mostly because
 > >  > 
 > >  > I would expect that this applies to at least the majority of named 
 > > roads...
 > > 
 > > i don't understand.  "the majority of named roads" are, of
 > > course, paved.  
 > You're right there.  I should have said "The majority of named roads
 > which are not paved with some form of concrete"
 > > i would say that the next most numerous are
 > > simply dirt roads (at least here in new england, and in most of
 > > the US that i've traveled).  roads which are partly paved, or
 > > which are "gravel over macadam" (i'm not entirely clear on what
 > > that means) would be a small minority.
 > You can find more on macadam here:

it was the "gravel over" part that i (still) don't understand.

 > I would consider a gravel-paved road
 > ( to be not a highway=track in
 > OSM terms, in most cases.

i agree.

 > Further, I would expect that gravel-paved roads are the most common of
 > non-concrete-paved (including asphalt concrete) named roads,

not in my experience.

 > and that
 > most true dirt roads are unnamed.

perhaps.  but i'd say that's mostly only true if they're not
publicly accessible.  any sort of public right-of-way usually
comes with at least a locally-assigned number:  "Forest Route NN",
or "Fire Road NN", or "County Road NNN".

 > And finally I would agree with you that regardless of their relative
 > numbers, true dirt roads (not gravel) as described at
 > should indeed be highway=track.

no, i don't agree.  as greg troxel (i think) said earlier, the
term "track" implies a private right-of-way.  there are many many
dirt roads in my travels that are better described
"highway=residential surface=unpaved", due both to their public nature,
and the presence of multiple residences.

 paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 70.3 degrees)

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