I have been reading thru these posts and havn't seen a consensus/summary
yet.  In my view it should be reasonably straight forward based on the tags
we have.  The point is to describe what is actually there.

highway= is for the type of road regardless of condition.  A paved surface
is assumed unless otherwise stated.
  If it does not have a name (and thus no addresses), it should be a track.
This would typically be a 1 lane (total) or possible wide enough for 2.
This probably assumes an unpaved surface by default.

See also Tracktype= for further track classification.

Surface= is for describing the condition of the road when it does not match
the assumed default.  Unpaved works but isn't that descriptive.  Gravel,
dirt ect. would be a better choice.

Access= if it needs to be tagged private or other than full public access.

If there are further situations that need to be tagged, we probably want to
either apply more tags to clarify the conditions, or better yet create a new
subset of tags for specific use.  I'm thinking of someone wanting to start
tagging offroad trails for bikes, or 4wheel drive ect.  I would think
because of the narrowed focus of something like that it should be well
separate from what most cars can drive.  Sort of an oxymoron off-road
roads.... :)

And as usual if other applications do not use the tags right, we need to
e-mail the authors and ask for a change to fit the tags.  I'm sure they
prefer that to digging in the wiki to see if someone started using something

Dale Puch
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