"Randy" <rwtnospam-new...@yahoo.com> writes:

> Matthias Julius wrote:
>>"Randy" <rwtnospam-new...@yahoo.com> writes:
>>>Dale Puch wrote:
>>>Would it be improper to tag the true Wal-Mart services to the building
>>>way, (either using semicolons or "shop_n" and "amenity_n", and the
>>>"partnered" services (McDonald's, etc.) as separate nodes in the building,
>>>and related with "is-in"?
>>I consider numbered tags to be messy.  Nodes inside the building is not
>>better unless you are really producing a map of the building's
>>I would use relations for this purpose, e.g. one relation per shop.
> I guess I still don't understand all there is to know about relations. I 
> thought you had to have a map entry such as a node or way to relate, in a 
> relation. Back to the wiki for me.

Yes, I would create a relation for each thing in the building having the
building itself (area, node or relation) as the only member.

That way the different shops (or banks, law offices, dentists, ...) in
the building can be independant objects and reference the building.


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