Paul Johnson wrote:

>Matthias Julius wrote:
>>I consider numbered tags to be messy.  Nodes inside the building is not
>>better unless you are really producing a map of the building's
>How do you figure?  Strip malls typically only have one building but all
>ammeneties are accessable from the outside.  And most people find it
>handy to know where they're going inside a larger facility even if the
>nodes are only relative (ie, the Subway is inside the WalMart between
>the Wells Fargo and the nail salon).  Some strip malls and older WalMart
>locations, as well as most Fred Meyer locations are frequently legally
>subdivided as well:  There are tax lots within the building itself!

Oops. My apologies, Paul. I was to short, and you were not responding to 
my post.


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