> The Crown Point bridge
> (http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/28436071) comes to mind; it's
> constructed of non-reinforced concrete and was essentially condemned
> recently with only a few hours notice
> (
> http://www.poststar.com/news/local/article_e77cd748-ba8b-11de-9ff0-001cc4c03286.html
> ).
> If you decide what an appropriate tag is, would you mind updating this
> at the same time?

I haven't decided on an appropriate tag, but I went ahead an removed the
Crown Point Bridge from the map to keep things up to date.  I left the way
intact, just removed the highway and bridge tags so nothing gets
 I also left a note explaining the current situation for the next mapper who
edits the area.  When an appropriate tag is decided upon, or a new bridge is
built, this way can be updated.  That's the beauty of OSM!

As for tagging, here's how we do roads/bridges that are under construction:
highway = construction
construction = primary

why not use this same structure for closed roads/bridges?
highway = closed
closed = primary

The Crown Point bridge is currently closed.  Soon it will be demolished.
 Then construction on a new one will begin.   Because this is the usual
cycle, I think the rendering that is used for roads under construction (dashed
would make sense for closed roads/bridges as well.  I'l probably tag the
Crown Point bridge as under construction right now, but tagging for the
renderer is wrong.  However, if I did it would be true in 6 months!
 Actually this road tagged as under
probably shouldn't be.  Construction was stopped on it years ago, so at this
point it's just closed.  Anyhow, that's a good reason for rendering of
closed & construction to be the same or similar.  There is a fine line
between them.  Construction implies it will be open in the future, Closed
does not.  Subtle difference for the slippy map, but important for the
underlying data.

Burlington, VT
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