On 12/4/09 12:45 AM, Zeke Farwell wrote:

    something as simple as closed=yes/closed=temporary/closed=indefinite
    would seem to suffice.

I like this proposal as it could also encompass regular seasonal closures. There are many roads through the mountains in Vermont that are generally closed from Nov 1st through May 30th each year due to snow. These could be tagged as:

closed = Nov-May


closed = yearly
closure_dates = Nov-May
i like this second one, with a little tweaking it might also cover
a projected reopening after renovation/replacement.

it would also account for seasonal roads, there are a number of
lovely dirt roads in Washington County with signage warning
that the town doesn't plow them.

for that matter, there are roads in the Alps that don't get plowed,
are there any european mappers following this list who know
if those get tagged for seasonal closure, and if so, how?

this weekend, i'll see about pulling this together into a proposal
and bring it up on the tagging list.


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